Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 11

It just kinda dawned on me last night..I had made it  ten days...pretty awesome.  I think that in its self is a victory.  I must say the realization of this accomplisment helped me last night.  Really for the first time I was ravenous....not sure why hunger decided to step in but it did and with a bang.  Because I was so hungry I also was pretty crabby...lol.  Easiest way to solve this issue was to go to bed.  So I did and actually fell asleep almost immediately.  

I got home around 8:00 after my second wedding trial and a busy day.  That may have been part of the reason for the hunger.  Both trials were a success with both brides booking their weddings.  Of course both their weddings are on the same days which we already have weddings scheduled...but luckily...not at the same time so it all worked out.  Jessica and might have to bring in Tiana our assistant to help out as we will be doing additional people (bridesmaids, moms...) at both weddings and the other weddings as well.  Gee too much work...not a bad thing.  Thank you God !!!

So yesterday morning I tried a juice that is for energy...oh my gosh i was loaded with energy yesterday !!!  Basically it is 6 carrots, 3 apples, and one inch of ginger root.  It was pleasant to drink....not a wow but nice.  Think I will be doing that one again.

Later In the day I juiced 3 turnips, 1 head of kale, one complete bag of celery and one green and one red pepper. It was bearable but like I said the green vegetable drinks are still taking me a while to get used to.  Kale is loaded with vitamin C and magnesium but what I was really excited about was the turnip.  Turnips have more calcium than dairy or any other vegetable, it is also good for high blood pressure and obesity.  It also has excellent cancer fighting properties.  Combining the kale with the turnip is crucial because you need the magnesium to absorb the calcium efficiently.  

I have always enjoyed spending hours upon hours reading about health properties in herbs, vitamins and alternative health treatments.  So I love when I know I am getting such wonderful nutrition.  I have added hemp oil for my omega-3's and spirulina for additional protein to my regime which is recommended.  Next I will add bee pollen and there is one more supplement I need but don't remember what it is...I will have to tell you about it at some point.

Today will be a lovely day of drawing my storyboards.  Have a great day everyone !!  Small challenge to you all to make sure you include at least one raw fruit and one raw veggie into you diet today.  No cooking allowed...lol.

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