Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 2....

First I want to say how easy day 1 felt great and was never fact I had to force myself to drink juice in the evening.  I literally was NOT hungry...weird...cause that never happens too  I did have 2 severe cramps in my legs last know the kind you have to hop out of bed quickly to stand and stretch out the leg.  The doctor has me on a water pill because my body likes to retain water so maybe the combination of the two???  I am going to take a potassium supplement today plus make sure I juice celery so I get just a bit of sodium in my diet.  It is funny I am not doing this for weight loss only but an important part of my recovery is to get my weight down.  So I lost 4 water of wonder I had the leg cramps...but still does give you motivation.  By 9:00 pm I was extremely tired but had a busy day and was on the set doing makeup all evening.  I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and slept like a baby ...well... until the leg

Will be interesting how much weight I will lose. The two men in the movie "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"  both lost 80-100 lbs and they only did the 60 day juice feast.  Both their health was dramatically improved and both were off any medications by the time they ended.   Supposedly because this is so health and I will be getting all the micro-nutrients it also help build the elastins, amino acids and collagen in your skin so a person doesn't end up with the hanging skin like gastro-bypass recipients.  My husband asked my if I lost all 4 pounds in my face because did wake up looking really thinner in my face.  When I eat the wrong foods I can really tell in my gets puffy.  Another thing I noticed my nose is not stuffy...weird as I always seen to have some congestion due to all my allergy food issues.  I didn't think I would notice so many minor changes in just one day.  Definitely motivates me to continue.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Picking up my Veggies

I woke up bright and early exited to go pick up my 2 Bountiful Baskets of fruits and vegetables.  I am pretty pleased with the results.  I got bananas, potatoes, green bean and eggplants that I won't be able to juice but the rest of the family can enjoy those with their meals and bananas always go quick at our house. 

The rest of the baskets had cabbage, leafy greens, apples, peaches, cantaloupe,plums, tomatoes and grapes.  I will definitively have to supplement with more leafy greens and more variety of vegetable but this is an excellent start.  All in all I am happy with what I received.  

I juiced one quart so far...3 to go to meet my required goal.  I juiced one  head of  leafy green...(not sure of the name of what I used..will have to check at sure I will be a vegetable expert when I am done with this :)...and 2 peaches.  Tastes really pretty good and refreshing.  I need to watch my fruit but I think for my first one I am going for taste.  I will for lunch do a spicy juice with some peppers and tomatoes for more of a salsa taste.   What combo shall I have for dinner????  It didn't take too long to prepare from start to cleanup about 15 minutes.

I woke up with a headache this morning...went to the movies and since I knew I was starting this decided to indulge with popcorn, a coke and yes some Thin Mints...I didn't eat them all just a few and we came home with half a bag of popcorn and the coke half full...shared them with my husband so I didn't go crazy....But I always if I eat the wrong things wake up with a headache.  Simplex carbs are my enemy along with high fructose corn syrup.  Just a BIG reminder of why I am doing this and I really can never go back if I want to be healthy, headache free and receive the immense clarity and vibrant health I am desiring.

So here I go head first..heart first... into what I hope and believe is the beginning of a very important crossroads of my life path.  I know there will be bumps and at times be a rocky road but will lead to that lovely and beautiful place I hope to discover.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

 I ordered my first baskets of fruits and vegetables from Bountiful Baskets.  Bountiful Baskets is a Coop to get your veggies and fruits for half the cost in the grocery stores but still get the same quality.  First time I have used them so I don't know what to expect but am looking forward to picking them up.  You register online, order on Monday, find the pickup location closest to you and then pick up on Saturday.  There is only a 20 minute window to pick up your veggies so you can't be late.  Good thing I am an early bird as my pick up is Saturday at 6:30 in the morning but a pretty close location.  You have to volunteer once every two month to participate and you can get up to three baskets a week.  For organic it is $25.00 per basket to receive $50.00 of produce...pretty good deal.

So as my day first day to new health soon will begin...I am saying goodbye to a few favorites...mainly coffee.  I never thought I would give that  I have felt for awhile it was something I needed to do but definitely fought that one.  Next is chocolate....women you understand that one.  And meat...I really do enjoy meat but know for now I need to give it up, maybe even for life?  Not sure.... we will see how that works out.  I am a protein metabolic type but I know I can receive my proteins through my green veggies.

I was watching a video about the 92 day Juice feast and he was saying the Universe will throw up roadblock to prevent this change in my life and you know I have encountered a few.  He said once the universe knows I am serious the roadblocks will lessen and finally go away.  Now my philosophy is different but it really is biblical truth.  Once you begin something God wants the world will try to stop it.  So I have been praying for the wisdom and strength to determine God's will in my journey and His strength and blessing as I believe with all my heart He has led me to this point.  I believe He has placed his healing foods here on earth for my and all our healing.  We just need to listen to our bodies and our hearts and it will tell us what we need.  

Yay !!!  I am so excited to begin.  Not looking forward to the detoxing stage....but it will pass and I know part of this journey some bad to get the good.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Just a Bit of History I have decided to do has been a journey...a long journey.  26 years.  But here I am.

I am committing myself to a 92 Day Juice "Feast".  It is called a feast instead of a fast because I will be getting daily a super load of micro-nutrients !!  I will be getting enough calories, proteins and all the goodies I will need to not only sustain my body but to purify it, cleanse it and rebuild it to the health I was in my 20's.  92 days will take me back 30 years in health to undo all the bad the SAD (Standard American) Diet has done to my health. 

One year ago I was preparing for surgery.  I was undergoing a bi-lateral mastectomy for breast cancer. I am 120+ lbs over weight...I am sick...I am scared and I am blessed.  The breast cancer in a strange way has been a blessing.  It has woken me up to the reality I can not eat like the rest of the world.  I am extremely intolerant and have severe food allergies to what most people can eat with normal or minimal reactions.  How did my body get to the point where my immune system was so compromised by inflammation, combined with hormonal imbalances was susceptible to the beginnings of a death sentence like cancer.

After my discovery of the "lump" and even before the diagnosis of breast cancer I immediately went to eating a raw diet (which I have experimented with in the past), along with the Budwig Protocol and daily quarts of green smoothies til i went into surgery.  I went from being diagnosed with a late stage 2 aggressive form of breast cancer to a zero after all the tissue was tested after being removed from my breasts.  Due to this I was blessed not to have to do chemotherapy or radiation which I might have chosen not to do anyways.  I already knew the power of healing foods.

For the last year I have slipped back into the way I have been eating for the last 26 years.  I am not an over eater.  I don't binge eat.  I actually eat pretty healthy. Lots of fruits and veggies.  I try to avoid processed food.  What I can't eat is grains and gluten. I have a sugar sensitivity which makes me extremely insulin, leptin and metabolic resistant.  So when I consume even what most would consider healthy foods my body reacts with rushes of insulin being released and calories being stored. 

I have spent years going to the doctors trying to figure out why I gained 100 lbs in 4 months when I was pregnant (and no I didn't eat for 2 and let my self go) and could never lose it.  I was 27 and up to that point I was always a thin person with no weight issues at all.  Then after that no matter what I did I would be steadily gaining.  I then got on the yo-yo dieting regime.  Lose and regain...lose and regain...which I didn't know at the time was making all my issues worse.  I was desperate to lose the weight and hating myself for not being able to do.  I always got the typical remarks from doctors...calories in and expenditure out...grrrr.  They were rude and looked at me like I was some closet eater in denial sitting on the couch all day watching soap operas and emotionally eating plates of fudge.  So did the world.  Oh.... the countless advise I got from most well meaning people.  I used to cringe inside...did they think I was stupid??? I didn't already know that????  Like I hadn't already tried that countless time???  I exercised...I did all the right thing to no avail...I do think it kept me in check so I didn't balloon up to 500+ lbs. I really believe if I wasn't always on top of it I easily could have been that person.  If I would have ever given in to my plight or to the food...who knows where I would be to this day but I am a fighter and I refused to give in....I still refuse.  At times I would feel helpless and stop trying just for a bit but then the weight would start creeping it's way back so I would gather the strength to keep looking for the answers.  Keep putting one foot in front of the

The internet.  What a wonderful thing.  Answers and lots of them.  I willingly went on the long and lengthy journey.  It took me years of research (26 to date) to put it all together.  Then to load myself with information about real nutrition and real advice from alternative health sites many by "real" doctors who themselves were frustrated with our health system. To learn about the amazing herbs, plants and foods that were healing for me.  To realize there were real answers out there not dictated by the traditional western medical doctrine that almost all physician adhere to and were taught  approved by the FDA and backed by the pharmaceutics corporations....which I had learned not to trust because to me they were lies.  I have learned about genetically engineered foods (GMO's) and the dangers and contamination of our food supply...oh I could go on but I won't for now...I am very passionate about what our world is doing to get richer to the detriment of our health.

All I know...I didn't fit in the box the world had created for me.  And no one in the medical word really seemed to care.  They just want to give me pills to mask the problem instead of getting to the root of why my body is different... instead of healing me totally and completely. So this is my goal to reverse the damage that has been done to my body and to my health.  To try and rediscover my health.  As I am nearing my one year anniversary from the removal of breast cancer from my body and a year before that I had basal skin cancer removed from the tip of my nose...I know my body is still fighting with the same issues and I need to do something dramatic to resolve them. To reboot and re-balance my body.

I hope to begin by August 1rst after getting all my results back from my doctor (yes I still believe in going to doctors even though I don't allow my health to be wholly in their hands)...I will  post a daily blog on my progress and at some point share before and after pictures...during and at the end of my journey.  I am hoping to share this journey with you to show there are alternative ways to achieve health along side and with your doctors recommendations.  This is my journey and I would never recommend doing this with out first consulting your doctor.